Not a bad first try!
While surfing the web for inspiration I discovered that most moving infographics have a definitive starting and ending point. On most of the graphics out there you can clearly see a frame where the entire thing "resets" to the starting position and plays again.
One of my main goals with this graphic was to break that mold and get something that had continuous flow to it. The timeline feature in Photoshop had the flexibility I needed. First I did sync everything to the same frames, then when I liked the animation of each row I staggered them out.
Check out the final result below. If you like it go ahead and pin it on Pinterest here.
The effect of running the man over was achieved with the "puppet warp" tool in Photoshop. I thought it would be funny to have him lay 2-D against the ground on the final frame. A bit of Paper Mario-style humor.
Right after I finished the graphic, Justin Beiber got cited for a real speed contest and swearing at the police in Florida. I quickly adapted the graphic to match the news story.